Export... Export contents of the current document to another file format. DynRisk responds by displaying a “Save file” dialog box. In the lower part of this, there is a popup menu where you can choose a particular export format. You then locate the directory where you want your exported data file to be stored and enter a file name. DynRisk lets you export model files in the following formats: • ASCII dump • Text only • RTF • Schedule • DynRisk 3.0 An “ASCII dump” of a model file contains a table of all nodes, folders, and edges in the model. Each object corresponds to a row in the table. Each row contains a large list of object attributes separated by tabs. In fact, the ASCII dump contains all the necessary data needed to reconstruct the original model. This can be done by using the “Import…” command. Note however, that you lose any node information entered in the “Get info…” dialog box. Moreover, since only nodes, folders, and edges are stored, you also lose pictures, sound or other objects in the original file. The ASCII dump is probably not very useful except in the rare cases when the original file has been corrupted. In such cases ASCII dump could be your last resort. A “Text only” export of a model file contains tables of nodes, folders, and edges just as in the ASCII dump. However, in this case the tables are structured in a much more readable way. Moreover, you can control the table format yourself by using the “Export options…” command in the “Preferences” submenu of the “File” menu. When you export a model file in “RTF” format, you get a file which can be viewed by using a word processor which can interpret this format. Examples of such are Microsoft Word, Wordperfect etc. RTF files are fully formatted and can include graphics as well as tables. You can control what to include in the file yourself by using the “Export options…” command in the “Preferences” submenu of the “File” menu. A “Schedule” export of a model file is a file that can be read by a project management application like e.g., Microsoft Project. Only date nodes will be included in the export file. When you open the file in your project management application, the date nodes will appear as activities and milestones in a project network model. You can control what to include in the file yourself by using the “Export options…” command in the “Preferences” submenu of the “File” menu. Make sure, however, that you include all the data needed by your project management application. The “DynRisk 3.0” export format is useful if you need to exchange files with someone still using DynRisk 3.0. Since the file format has been enhanced a lot since this version, you will lose some data in this process. In particular if your model contains features not available in DynRisk 3.0, it is of course impossible to preserve this in the export file. Note that if you choose “Text only”, “RTF” or “Schedule”, only objects in the current folder or any subfolder of this will be exported. If you want to export the entire model file, make sure that the active window is the main document window, i.e., the top level in the folder structure. If you apply the “Export” command to a simulation result file, you get a text file containing all the simulation results. This file can be opened e.g., in a spreadsheet application, or a statistical package for further analysis. Import... Displays an “Open” dialog box. You can use the box to locate the file you want to open. "Import..." allows you to open files stored in ASCII format. Warning! Only DynRisk files stored in ASCII format can be expected to be imported successfully. Merge... You can merge the contents of one model file into another model file. First open the model file you want to merge the other model into, and go to the directory where you want the contents of the merged file to appear. Then choose “Merge...” from the “File”-menu, and a standard “Open file” dialog box appears. The contents of the file you select from the dialog box, will appear in a new folder in the current directory. You can then rearrange the nodes in the merged model anyway you like or connect nodes in this new folder and nodes in your current file by the use of “alias nodes”, or. If the merged model contains references, DynRisk will add these references to the list of references in the model you merge into. Since references are assumed to be unique names, you may be asked to change the name of references in the merged model to avoid ambiguities. Note that if you have System 7.5 or later, you can merge a model file into another by dragging its icon from the “Finder” into the DynRisk window where you want the contents of the merged file to appear.